Looking for your civil wedding officiant in Montreal?

Mtre. Mona Salehi is here to help you.
At your service since 2011

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Let’s discuss about your civil marriage

    Civil Marriage - Civil Wedding Celebration

    “Civil Marriage – Civil Wedding Celebration by a Notary in Montreal”

    Celebrate your civil marriage within 21 days with an experienced officiant notary.

    The civil marriage, with respect to its formal aspects, is different from the religious marriage. The civil marriage is solemnized by a person designated by the Minister of Justice of Quebec, while the religious one is solemnized by a minister of religion.

    Mtre. Mona Salehi, notary and civil marriage in Montreal, is a member of the Chamber of Notaries Quebec, the professional association of notaries and the International Union of Notaries. Since 2011, Mtre. Mona Salehi specializes in civil marriage in Montreal.

    Mtre. Mona Salehi – Notary & Wedding Officiant in Montreal

    Civil marriages are celebrated in one of our two real ceremony rooms or on our heated and sheltered terrace in downtown Montreal. Our rooms and our terrace are exclusively dedicated to the celebration of civil marriages.

    We can receive you with your guests at the time of your civil marriage ceremony in one of our two specially fitted rooms or on our specially fitted terrace. Rest assured, you will not be married between two filing cabinets and a desk! We have designed spaces specifically to celebrate civil marriages.

    Civil Marriage - Civil Wedding Celebration

    Silver Room

    Civil Marriage - Civil Wedding Celebration

    Gold Room


    Pearl Terrace

    Contact Us for Availability

    Contact Mona Salehi Notary and Wedding Officiant and her team at (514) 903-8560

      Why choosing Mtre. Mona Salehi and her team to solemnize your civil marriage?

      • Mtre. Salehi and her team solemnize several hundreds of civil marriages per year
      • In her office, the ceremony room is put to your service gratuitously for your civil marriage ceremony
      • Your civil marriage can take place right after the 20 days delay imposed by law for publication of the bans
      • Mtre. Salehi and her team have developed an expertise on questions related to national and international matrimonial regimes
      • Mtre. Salehi and her team have interpersonal skills and needed presence to lead your marriage ceremony to your image

      Who can solemnize a civil marriage in Quebec?

      • notaries authorized by law to execute notarial acts,
      • clerk and deputy clerk of the Superior Court
      • mayors and the members of the municipal councils or boroughs
      • municipal civil servants designated by the Minister of Justice
      • a relative or close friend of the couple who obtained a onetime authorization of solemnization

      Advantages of your notary as wedding officiant

      It is an excellent choice to take the services of a notary to solemnize your civil marriage. As an authorized officiant, it is only the notary who has the ability to give you legal consultation and advice. The notary explains all different choices of matrimonial regime you have (partnership of acquests, separation as to property, community of property etc.) and their effects.

      Moreover, the notary could offer you flexibility in terms of waiting delays for your civil marriage. The notary could solemnize your civil marriage after the said delay of 20 days after publication of the bans, while the waiting time at different Court houses could attain 90 days for District of Montreal, 60 days for District of Laval, and 65 days for District of Longueuil.

      Getting married by a notary gives you the option to have your civil marriage solemnized at a place chosen by you, as your home, a restaurant, a reception hall, or her ceremony room in her office. Your notary will also give you the option to customize your civil marriage ceremony with speeches and anecdotal stories told by the spouses, their witnesses, their family members or even the notary.

      Civil Marriage - Civil Wedding Celebration
      Civil Marriage - Civil Wedding Celebration
      Civil Marriage - Civil Wedding Celebration

      Disadvantage of getting married at the Court House

      If you opt to have your marriage solemnized at the Court house, you will not receive any legal advice regarding the marriage effects and the matrimonial regimes. Moreover, you will have to be patient since the civil marriages are performed only on Saturdays, and waiting lists are long.

      For example, as of February 2020 at Montreal Court House the waiting time is 66 days, and as of February 2020, at Longueuil Court House the waiting time is 50 days.

      As additional disadvantage, the marriage ceremony could not be customized. The clerk will perform the minimum required by law.

      Disadvantage of having a friend or relative as officiant

      Having a relative or friend to officiate the marriage ceremony could appear as an interesting option for a couple. However, it is often likely that the relative is not familiar with the requirements and obligation to observe for such task. In case of a breach of one of those obligations, the marriage could become null and void. In addition to that, during your marriage ceremony, the relative who is a non-professional could babble or stutter under the thrill of the emotions, and make the moment less solemn and pleasant.

      A notary who does marriages is skilled and accustomed to performing ceremonies and will know how to give rhythm and warmth to this moment, while keeping it solemn and respectful.

      Civil Marriage - Civil Wedding Celebration

      Frequently Asked Questions about Civil Marriage

      What does it mean to be civilly married?

      Civil marriage creates rights and obligations for the spouses, legally, morally, socially and financially. The Civil Code of Quebec indicates that the spouses owe each other respect, fidelity, help and assistance. The spouses must live together and ensure the moral and material direction of the family.

      How much does it cost to get married in Quebec?

      The price of a civil marriage may vary depending on the officiant and the services offered. Mona Salehi, notary and the members of her team celebrate civil weddings which include legal presentation and the civil ceremony in one of their beautiful rooms or their pearl terrace. Fees start from $700 plus taxes depending on the day and the chosen room.

      What are Necessary Documents for a civil marriage?

      At the first meeting with the notary, you would provide certain necessary documents. Here is the list of the documents:
      • Two pieces of governmental and valid identification, with pictures, for each of the future spouses.
      • Two pieces of governmental and valid identification for the witness who goes at the first meeting with the spouses to sign the publication. The witness should be full of age and should know both future spouses.
      • The original birth certificate of each spouse. The certificate should mention the name of the parents. If it is in a language other than French or English, an official translation should be obtained.
      • A divorce certificate where one of the spouses is divorced.
      • A death certificate, where one of the spouses is widowed.

      Civil Marriage - Civil Wedding Celebration

      Solemnization of Gay marriage in Montreal, Quebec

      The members of LGTB community could sometimes face difficulties to have their marriage solemnized by a minister of religion. They could face refusal or resistance in their attempt. As a public officer, the notary will not refuse to solemnize a civil marriage between spouses of the same sex or transgender.
      Mtre. Mona Salehi and the members of her team are always glad to solemnize civil marriages between the members of LGTB community.

      Getting married with a foreigner

      We often receive calls from the clients who wish to know if they can marry a foreigner fiancé. By foreigner fiancé we mean a fiancé who is not Canadian and/or is not permanent resident in Canada. In virtue of the federal Civil Marriage Act, there is no impediment to get married with a foreigner fiancé.

      Civil Marriage - Civil Wedding Celebration
      Civil Marriage - Civil Wedding Celebration
      Civil Marriage - Civil Wedding Celebration
      Civil Marriage - Civil Wedding Celebration

      The organization of the marriage with the notary

      The opening of the file can be done in person or remotely. The opening of the file shall take place at least 21 days before the marriage (delay imposed by law for the publication of the marriage notice). The spouses receive a legal representation regarding the legal and patrimonial consequences of the marriage. The notary and the members of her team will inform the spouses of the different matrimonial regimes available in Quebec and when needed, they would advise them on their choice of regime. Should the couple opt for a marriage contract, Mtre. Mona Salehi and the members of her team will be able to prepare it and receive their signature.

      Mtre Salehi and the members of her team will answer all the questions of the couple and will discuss with the spouses regarding the conduct of the civil marriage ceremony. The couple will choose the date of their marriage and their witness will sign the publication of the marriage (bans). The notice of publication will be posted at the Register of notices of marriage and civil union from the Directeur de l’état civil du Québec.

      The civil marriages are solemnized in our ceremony rooms situated in down-town Montreal, with no additional fees.

      Our marriage ceremony room could accomodate up to 15 people (seated) who will be the privileged witnesses of your exceptional event. The room, simple and elegant, is at your disposition gratuitously to hold your civil marriage ceremony solemnized by Mtre Salehi.

      Civil Marriage - Civil Wedding Celebration
      Civil Marriage - Civil Wedding Celebration
      Civil Marriage - Civil Wedding Celebration

      Fees for a solemnization of a civil marriage

      The fees of Mtre Mona Salehi and her team for the solemnization of your marriage will vary depending the moment and place of the ceremony. The fees for a solemnization of a civil marriage start from $700 plus taxes depending on the day and the chosen room. Please contact Mtre Mona Salehi and her team to get more information, at 514-903-8560.

      Do you need a marriage contract?

      A marriage contract (prenuptial agreement) is a document where a couple could, among other things, opt for a specific matrimonial regime. Mtre Salehi will analyse your situation and will prepare your marriage contract if your situation so requires and if you wish to do it.

      Our complete guide to civil marriage in Quebec

      We have published a Complete Guide to Civil Marriage in Quebec – 2022 Edition, which gives you valuable and practical information on civil marriage in Quebec.

      Since 2011, Me Mona Salehi specializes in solemnization of civil marriages in Montreal.
      Member of Chambre des notaires du Québec, of the Association of notaries of Québec, and the International union of notaries.

      Call Us Today 514 903 – 8560


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