Having your civil marriage by proxy would allow a spouse who could not be physically present at the civil marriage ceremony be represented by another person who would act on his or her behalf. We have recently seen that remote marriages are not allowed in Quebec.

Can celebration of marriage take place by proxy?

Although civil marriage is legal in some countries, Quebec, like Canada, does not recognize as legal marriage by proxy, remotely, or when either or both parties are absent. A marriage celebrant cannot celebrate a marriage by proxy. Even if a celebrant were to do so, the marriage would be null and void.

However, there are exceptions in the context of an immigration application that was received before June 10, 2015, or for members of the Canadian Armed Forces. In some cases, a marriage by proxy celebrated abroad could be recognized only in the context of an immigration application.

Why is marriage by proxy prohibited?

Marriage by proxy is prohibited because it favours forced marriages and does not allow the celebrant to ensure the free and informed consent of each of the spouses getting married.

Mona Salehi Notary Inc. – Notary and Marriage Celebrant in Montreal

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Civil marriage celebrant
Phone: 514 903 – 8560
Address: 1602A Avenue Selkirk, Montréal, QC H3H 1C6

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