Are you getting married or attending a loved one’s wedding? You could get a leave of absence for your wedding or the wedding of a loved one, whether it’s a civil marriage, a religious marriage or a civil union.

Leave available for a marriage or civil union

The majority of Quebec employees are protected by the Quebec Labour Standards Act. However, certain employees, such as the self-employed, employees of the Canadian Armed Forces, or employees who work for companies subject to the Canada Labour Code, are not covered by this law.

Leave for a person who is getting married

The Quebec Labour Standards Act provides that an employee, whether working full-time or part-time, may be absent for one day with pay for his or her marriage or civil union. He/she must apply to his/her employer at least one week before the date of the event.

Leave for a person attending a marriage

The Quebec Labour Standards Act provides that an employee, whether working full-time or part-time, may be absent for a day without pay to participate in the marriage or civil union of a family member (the employee’s child, father or mother, brother or sister or the child of his/her spouse). The request for absence from the employer must be made at least one week before the date of the marriage or civil union.

Marriage leave in collective agreements

If you are in a unionized job, your collective agreement may provide for an additional period of paid leave and unpaid leave for your marriage or for the marriage of a loved one. For more information, consult your collective agreement or contact your union representative.

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Civil marriage celebrant
Phone: 514 903 – 8560
Address: 1602A Avenue Selkirk, Montréal, QC H3H 1C6

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